I understand that the practice of Kriya Yoga has nothing to do with monasticism. However, I have a desire to live the life of a renunciate. What should I do?

Posted On : February 22nd, 2021   To :

Practice of Kriya Yoga has nothing to do Sannyasa. The life of a monk is not for all. If you have a selfless streak in you, no desire to live a householder’s life and you desire to serve humanity and make this world a better place then you can consider to pursue a monastic life provided that

  • you have met with success in academics and professional career and are now willing to put your speciality to good use in the service of the Master. Monastic life is more demanding than a worldly life.
  • you are not much interested in the pleasures of the world. Unfulfilled desires can derail your monastic life.
  • you are willing to lead a life filled with selfless Seva, Sadhana and Svadhyaya.
  • you are willing to lead a life of simplicity in a community, sharing space with others, eating simple food and adjusting with various situations your might encounter.

The life of a monk is not for one who has met with failures in life and is looking for an easy living.