About Prajnana Mission

Prajnana Mission was founded by our beloved Gurudev Paramapujya Paramahamsa Hariharanandaji Maharaj under loving and dynamic leadership of our beloved Guruji Paramapujya Paramahamsa Prajnananandaji Maharaj.

In the words of our beloved Gurudev: "My whole life has been dedicated to serving people. As Hariharananda, I give medicines and services to the sick, food to the hungry, education to children, courage to the depressed and spiritual guidance to those who ask. Each human being is the living presence of God. Service to mankind is service to God. To dedicate one's life for the benefit of others is real service. Please serve people with love and devotion. This is real service to God and Gurus." To fulfil these words of our beloved Gurudev is the real objective of the Mission.

The Mission was formally registered on 12-02-1999 under the Registration of Societies Act 1860 and the Jagatpur Ashram founded by our beloved Guruji became the headquarters of Prajnana Mission. Since then the Mission has been striving to fulfil the wishes of our beloved Gurudev. The Mission is engaged in four major activities for the welfare of mankind in general.

Our Spiritual Foundation

An important activity of the Mission is dissemination of the ancient yogic science of Kriya Yoga and the teachings of an illustrious lineage of Masters of Kriya Yoga. The age old tradition of Kriya Yoga has been practiced by seers, saints, and sages since time immemorial. People practiced Kriya Yoga in the Satya Yuga (Age of Truth) when there was no religion. It is therefore not surprising that Kriya Yoga meditation, directly or indirectly, finds a mention in all the major scriptures of the world.

The technique of Kriya Yoga meditation is open to all sincere seekers irrespective of their nationality, religion, gender or age. The practice of Kriya Yoga is aimed at all-round development of individuals helping them to unlock their infinite potential hidden within.

Our Mission

Kriya Yoga




Health Care

Health Care

Disaster Relief

Disaster Relief

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